Johannes Hugo Stoll arrow-yellow arrow-white


Johannes Hugo Stoll

In his artistic practice he turns daily observations and situations into material objects. His starting point of creating objects is the human body, which he uses to oscillate between inside and outside, referring to the production of the self. He takes things in his hands, forming their material qualities in order to emphasize the performative side of our everyday relations.

Johannes Hugo Stoll (b. 1986) in Idar-Oberstein, Germany, studied art at different schools in Mainz, Leipzig, Warsaw, Seoul and Stuttgart. Recent shows and awards include the Artist in Residence program at ElectroPutere, Craiova, Romania (2020), ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (shrug) with foundation Centre Culturel Franco-Allemand in Karlsruhe, Germany (2021) or Twittering Machine in Burg Galerie im Volkspark, Halle (Saale) Germany (2020).


Exhibitions at ElectroPutere:

Positive vibration

Re-altering Reality